Yossi S

6 days ago2 min

TWS News Roundup 6/26/24

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  1. Kenyan president withdraws controversial tax bill amid deadly protests - ABC News (go.com)

  2. Mike Johnson to file legal brief in support of Steve Bannon (thehill.com)

  3. Mayorkas: Biden's border policy working despite letting in ISIS terrorists, killers (nypost.com)

  4. Democrats and their allies sue to keep RFK Jr. off the ballot in several states - CBS News

  5. Highland Park parade shooting suspect rejects guilty plea deal, crushing victims' families: 'Evil and manipulative' - ABC News (go.com)

  6. GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick calls for social media ban for kids under 16 (nypost.com)

  7. Guatemalan appeals court revokes order to grant house arrest to journalist José Rubén Zamora (nbcnews.com)

  8. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Biden combating social media misinformation (thehill.com)

  9. France bans extreme-right and radical Islamic groups ahead of polarizing elections - ABC News (go.com)

  10. Anna Paulina Luna, House GOP to hold Biden’s AG in ‘inherent contempt of Congress’ after DOJ refuses to prosecute him for defying subpoena | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

  11. US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine | Daily Mail Online

  12. Swing-state 'deciders' trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden to protect democracy (thehill.com)

  13. Trump prosecutor Alvin Bragg's 'illegal' diversity hiring blitz EXPOSED in misconduct complaint | Daily Mail Online

  14. Defendant in July 4, 2022, mass shooting outside Chicago declines to change plea (nbcnews.com)

  15. Leaked Draft of CNN Debate Questions Reveals Stunning Anti-Trump Bias (freebeacon.com)

  16. FDA vaccine experts who fought rush to approve jabs, new Twitter Files give GOP boost | Just The News

  17. Biden mass pardons gays booted from military after voting for 1993 ban (nypost.com)

  18. Michael Bloomberg Sends $19 Million To Pro-Biden PAC: Filings | ZeroHedge

  19. George Latimer ousts ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman in NY-16 District Democratic primary (nypost.com)

  20. Jim Banks pushes Speaker Johnson to support Steve Bannon Supreme Court appeal (thehill.com)

  21. A segment of Silicon Valley is suddenly all in on Trump (nypost.com)

  22. Israeli group urges Congress to cancel Netanyahu's speech (thehill.com)

  23. Israel re-establishes working groups on Iran nuclear program (axios.com)

  24. Massachusetts governor sends team to border to beg illegal immigrants not to come to ‘sanctuary’ Bay State | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

  25. Biden administration puts $375M toward rural renewables (thehill.com)
