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TWS News Roundup 6/27/24

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Make sure to check out The Yossi Schmidt Show at Podcast | Team World Supporter, Watch the most recent episode The Dangers of Confirmation Bias in Journalism with Libby Emmons (

  1. Supreme Court sides with Biden admin in Idaho abortion ruling | The Post Millennial |

  2. Supreme Court halts EPA's Good Neighbor Rule (

  3. Supreme Court strips SEC of key enforcement power to penalize fraud - CBS News

  4. DOJ tells Supreme Court that Steve Bannon's prison sentence should not be delayed (

  5. Bolivian army leader arrested after apparent coup attempt - CBS News

  6. Schumer-Affiliated Dark Money Group Tries To Reinvent Jacky Rosen as a Border Hawk (

  7. Supreme Court rejects opioid settlement with Purdue Pharma (

  8. DeSantis says Florida 'will not comply' with Biden's 'public health' emergency on guns (

  9. Seattle to reduce minimum pay for app-based delivery drivers after increased wages reduced demand | The Post Millennial |

  10. House Republicans Want To Label Iraqi Leader as 'Tool of Iranian Influence' (

  11. Interior Department tells employees to stop using gendered terms such as 'husband' and 'son' | Just The News

  12. Texas hospital is reportedly 1st in US to use holograms for doctor-patient visits - ABC News (

  13. Farage Hails Gen-Z Voters Turning Right (

  14. Uber loses challenge to California gig work law in US appeals court (

  15. RFK Jr., West ballot bids delayed in North Carolina (

  16. Oklahoma public schools required to teach Bible (

  17. 2.6 million people died from alcohol in 2019, new WHO report shows - Good Morning America

  18. DOJ charges 193 people in $2.75 billion health care fraud operation (

  19. Tesla Bay Area plant ordered to stop spewing toxic emissions after repeated violations - CBS News

  20. Freedom Caucus votes to review Warren Davidson’s standing (

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