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TWS News Roundup 6/26/24

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  1. Kenyan president withdraws controversial tax bill amid deadly protests - ABC News (

  2. Mike Johnson to file legal brief in support of Steve Bannon (

  3. Mayorkas: Biden's border policy working despite letting in ISIS terrorists, killers (

  4. Democrats and their allies sue to keep RFK Jr. off the ballot in several states - CBS News

  5. Highland Park parade shooting suspect rejects guilty plea deal, crushing victims' families: 'Evil and manipulative' - ABC News (

  6. GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick calls for social media ban for kids under 16 (

  7. Guatemalan appeals court revokes order to grant house arrest to journalist José Rubén Zamora (

  8. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Biden combating social media misinformation (

  9. France bans extreme-right and radical Islamic groups ahead of polarizing elections - ABC News (

  10. Anna Paulina Luna, House GOP to hold Biden’s AG in ‘inherent contempt of Congress’ after DOJ refuses to prosecute him for defying subpoena | The Post Millennial |

  11. US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine | Daily Mail Online

  12. Swing-state 'deciders' trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden to protect democracy (

  13. Trump prosecutor Alvin Bragg's 'illegal' diversity hiring blitz EXPOSED in misconduct complaint | Daily Mail Online

  14. Defendant in July 4, 2022, mass shooting outside Chicago declines to change plea (

  15. Leaked Draft of CNN Debate Questions Reveals Stunning Anti-Trump Bias (

  16. FDA vaccine experts who fought rush to approve jabs, new Twitter Files give GOP boost | Just The News

  17. Biden mass pardons gays booted from military after voting for 1993 ban (

  18. Michael Bloomberg Sends $19 Million To Pro-Biden PAC: Filings | ZeroHedge

  19. George Latimer ousts ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman in NY-16 District Democratic primary (

  20. Jim Banks pushes Speaker Johnson to support Steve Bannon Supreme Court appeal (

  21. A segment of Silicon Valley is suddenly all in on Trump (

  22. Israeli group urges Congress to cancel Netanyahu's speech (

  23. Israel re-establishes working groups on Iran nuclear program (

  24. Massachusetts governor sends team to border to beg illegal immigrants not to come to ‘sanctuary’ Bay State | The Post Millennial |

  25. Biden administration puts $375M toward rural renewables (

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